Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Live From Dublin

It is past midnight and I am safe in Dublin. Grandma, I am still waiting for that address if you can get it to me. I am again tired and I haven't gone out that late recently. I think the trip is just catching up with me. I am going to bed and will fill you all in later. I love you much. Cant wait to be back in the land of family and White Castle.


Unknown said...

Good Morning Dublin,
I hope you were able to get a good night sleep and are finding yourself refreshed. Things here are going fine. I got up earlier than I might otherwise in order to go to Logan’s ball game. He had an 8:30 start this morning. I can’t tell you how it ended as I left before it was over, however it wasn’t pretty when I left. I went from there to visit Gram and then to the bank, so now that has been taken care of.
I then went home and cleaned and moved furniture in order to get ready to pick up my new purchases next weekend. Yes, they are in already. I am happily surprised as they were not supposed to come in for about another five weeks. I still have a lot to do around here to get ready in addition to my normal weekend work. Hence I will be staying home again tomorrow and trying to get things done.
I am very excited about seeing all of your pictures and hearing the tales of the trip. I so hope you are enjoying yourself and learning some in spite of what you are thinking of the organization.
Linnea is very excited about her trip, she leaves tomorrow morning. She has to be at the school at 4:00am. I am sure she will have a wonderful time. I know you always enjoyed your band trips.
Things at work are still very busy however I am hoping that they will to get back to normal soon. I only worked about 5 hours of overtime this past week so it was a bit better.
I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the Dublin portion of your trip. I am hoping it will be good. Perhaps your will like your room mates and your classes and still have time for some sight seeing. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
In the meantime I better say goodbye for now. Study hard, Have fun and stay safe.
Loving you lots,

Wendy said...

Hi Jon,

Well, we are officially out of our house. Were living at Grandma's...all SIX of us! It sure is nice to be in a clean and cool environment!

Linnea left this morning for her trip...she called around 10:00am and had made it to Dallas on her first flight...she leaves Dallas for another flight to San Antonio and should arrive there at 1:00pm. They will then go to the hotel and swim for the evening.

I don't have much time to write...just thought I would let you know...all is well. Crazy, but well!

Love ya,

Wendy said...

Hi Jon,

Great to hear your enjoying yourself in Dublin. WOW, I can't imagine you sipping six whiskey's...and you were still able to write such a long blog. Pretty impressive...hehe! It sounds like things are more enjoyable in this part of Ireland. I am glad to hear this.

I am so proud of you. Yes, you can not only survive away from home but also flurish! You will do great in this profession. Your very much a family man but you know you can make it anywhere you land your feet. Congratulations on your acknowledgements wonderful. All the hard work and dedication does pay off.

Linnea phoned from San Antonio...she got there safely. She was at the hotel, they were going swimming. Tomorrow she needs to be up for breakfast at 7:00am. I am sure she will be tired since she woke up today at 3:15am. I know Mr. Pitlik said they keep the kids very keep them out of trouble.

We had bad weather here this weekend. A tornado went through from Frankfort to Lansing, IL. Quite a bit of damage...I don't know if anyone local was hurt. And again today it rained real hard with high winds. The house is luckily still dry inside. Although, I am almost afraid to say it. There is only a piece of wood between the inside of the house and outside in quite a few places in the back of the house...very easily a critter, rain, or anything else for that matter can get in here. I will be glad when they can get the frame up outside. Hopefully not too much longer.

Thanks for the blog...nice to hear all is well with your roommates too! Enjoy Dublin, there is much there to see. I hope the school work will allow you to do this. Miss you lots,
Love you,