Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Friday, December 16, 2016

What effect will Donald Trump's Presidency Have on Immigration?

During his campaigning, President Elect Trump held a hard line on immigration. He claimed a desire to repeal the Dream Act, better known as DACA. There is a chance he will use the information gathered through DACA against immigrants who applied through the program. More likely though, he will simply discontinue the program, therefore disallowing current DACA recipients from renewing their benefits. What does this mean for the country? Those employees who are legally working through their DACA benefits will no longer be able to work. This will create a gap in the labor market, driving up the price of goods and creating a gap in the employment market. This will also decrease the amount those immigrant families have to spend, brining down the domestic demand in general. Additionally, it is likely he will increase prices in the way of filing fees for immigration applications. This will reduce those who can legally apply for immigration benefits, making immigration harder. Ironically, this will also increase the number of individuals who illegally immigrate, owing to their inability to pay for legal immigration.

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