Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Why I am frustrated by Legal Writing

When the man in the street says: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," the lawyer writes:"Insofar as manifestations of functional deficiencies are agreed by any and all concerned parties to be imperceivable, and are so stipulated, it is incumbent upon said heretofore mentioned parties to exercise the deferment of otherwise pertinent maintenance procedures."

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hello frazzled nephew...

In AUNT WRITING...I am going to tell you that you need to keep your chin up...You will be just fine...They are challenging you right now. You will meet their challenges and also achieve far beyond their expectations. Keep up the good work, and don't get frustrated by the Legal Mumbo Jumbo! You know what they are saying...NOW show them what you have to say!!!!
We are proud of you Jonathan...
I haven't called because I know your extrememly busy right now...Call me when you have a free minute...Talk with you soon!
We Love You!!!