Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Big Day

Tommorow is a big day. I will do my first judgment for divorce. Hopefully I will have to do a prove up. I am probably be the only one excited that my client is getting divorced. Of course I can not let the client know that I am excited, and a little nervous. I have been in court a few times already, but this will be my first divorce. Additionally, there is two children that were a product of the marriage, one that is living with each party. I will update you all on how it went in the next post. Until then, wish me good luck.


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