Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Life in DIngle


I am soooooo tired. I haven't had any chance to see Dingle becasue there is soo much class and sooooo much homework. Last night I ate with Nicole becasue her mom cooked. Money is so bad over here. It is almost 5 dollars for a glass of OJ. Nicole's husband bought a round of Pints for the 6 of us. It ended up being 50 dollars for him. Life is so expensive. I also have no idea what time I am in. Ireland is like Alaska in that it is light untill 11:00 at night. So that is all from here. I am having a good time, but I really need to get some sleep. I know if I don't I am gunna get sick. Hopefully there isn't too much homework tonight. Love you all, Jonathan.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I am glad to hear you arrived safely...try to enjoy your visit...I looked at the cottages online...they look beautiful! Enjoy Dingle the best you can...while learning. All is good here...everyone is doing fine. Love to you,