Rule of Law: Government in all of its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand - rules which make it possible to forsee with fair certianty how authority will use its coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one's individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge.
(F.A. Hayek) The Road to Serfdom

Friday, June 13, 2008

The End is Near

Hello Family,
I am on the last day here in Ireland. I am a little sad that I have to leave. I have 3.5 hours of class today and then I have a test this late afternoon. I then have to pack because I have to be moved out by 10:00A.M. tommorow morning. My flight leaves at 6:00 tommorow night. So Naila and I plan to leave our luggage at reception and do a little shopping during the day. I am really looking forward to coming home and seeing you all. There is only 7 days left on my trip now. It seems as if the employees in the trucking industry in Spain are getting a good deal of hassle from the police but now there is another group. The taxi drivers. Apperhently, they aren't coming in to work today. Well, I can only imagine that this is gunna be a wild trip. I plan on having to walk a good deal for the Spanish part of the trip, my gym shoes have been giving me blisters though so I hope that they can get me through. I also am haveing some major weight issues. I have no Idea if I have lost weight or not. I think I am becomeing dehydrated and rehydrated. I think that is what I am actually lossing but it does seem as is my pants are fitting a little looser. Liquid is really expensive here so I find myself drinking less. So, that is my life here in Ireland. I haven't heard any updates on Linnea's trip lately, I hope she is enjoying Texas. I can only imagine that she is experiencing the same things that I did when I went on my first band trip. Hopefully she is letting her hair down and enjoying herself. I also know that my little man is enjoying his baseball summer. Especially since our cubbies are doing so well. I am sure that he has done a little cheering for the cubs for me since I am not there to see the games. Logan, I will be checking to make sure you are. Grandma will tell me. Mom, hopefully work gets a little more like back to normal. Wendy and Steve, any updates on the house? I have heard that there are some big flooding problems in the Midwest, hopefully that isn't hindering the progress. I still haven't heard much from Lorri, are there any updates about her? Well, I guess I should pay attention in class. The problem is that what we are tested on we don't have to use on the test. Our test is 2 hours and we must write on two major articles of the EU. I have my two articles well planned out. I am going to write on Internal Taxation and Customs Duties. Hopefully I do well. The test yesterday was brutal. But I am sure that I did well enough. I will perhaps not talk to you all till I get home becasue I don't know the state of the Internet in Spain and the hotel. SO if I can't talk to you, know I love you and miss you all. Can't wait to see you when I get home. Love, Jonathan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looking forward to seeing you too! sure would be nice to know what was going on and that you are alright once you get to Spain. I be the have access in the hotel.

Love you!!!
Be safe,
